Why House Dens Are Popular Again & Why You Need One

We love large family spaces, open sight-lines, and the feeling of airiness that makes open-concept architectural design so appealing. But what do you do when you want a place of your own, where you can go and shut the door? Try your house's den. Wha...

7 Beautiful Library Paint Colors

Home libraries may be quiet spaces for reading, relaxing, and reflecting, but that doesn't have to mean boring. You can create a reading area in your home office that reflects your personality and draws color from your home decor, from the walls to y...

Paintzen’s Boston Painting Service Paints a Nursery

There were a lot of things happening in Jodi Pavia's life. A South Boston resident who recently moved and was expecting a baby boy. With any new home, some things needed changing. "The room was currently painted pink (although my husband wanted to ke...

Our Favorite Paint Colors Inspired by Game of Thrones

When you play the Game of Thrones, well, you know the rest. Painting your home isn’t typically a matter of life or death. Some styles, however, will make you feel like you’ve won the Iron Throne. Are you the ultimate GOT superfan? Do you want ...

Interior Paint Color Theory: How To Use It

We've all heard the maxim, "You are what you eat," but what if there's more than just food? What about "You are your surroundings?" This leads us to interior paint color theory. Color theory is a study of color and how a person reacts to the colors ...

6 Healthy Rooms For Your Mind, Body, & Spirit

For most of us, getting (and staying) healthy is one of our biggest life goals. But daily living can make that tough, so it's important to find hacks to make it easier. One hack that may not be on your radar? Creating rooms in your home that promote ...

A Guide to Matching Paint Colors with Furniture

Are you looking to paint your home, but don't want to overhaul your whole decor. The paint color you chose can work with the furniture and decor you have. Subtle colors accentuate your furnishings, while bold colors make the walls pop. Here are some ...

Looking for Drama and Romance? Go With Red Paint!

Psychologists, artists, and designers have long been fascinated with the color red's impact on the human psyche. It's certainly not for the faint of heart. The color of passion and romance, this stimulating color heightens the senses. It can be t...

4 Fresh Bedroom Paint Colors

Every day brings with it a fresh start. Why not permit yourself to take a fresh approach to paint color, too? Here are four fresh bedroom paint colors that will make your home -- and your life -- brighter than ever before. [Button href="https://sa...

The Most Popular Interior Paint Colors for 2019

Trending Paint Colors in 2019 This year, leading paint companies and color empires decided on popular interior paint colors for 2019. PPG Paints, Paintzen's primary paint supplier, named Night Watch - a deep and rich green - as its 2019 Color of th...